Unique souvenirs you can get on Jeju Island

Nestled in the beauty of South Korea, Jeju Island is more than just a scenic wonder. Beyond its breathtaking beaches and cliffs lies a world of distinctive experiences and flavors waiting to be taken home as souvenirs. Say goodbye to ordinary keychains and T-shirts; this guide unveils exclusive souvenirs that encapsulate the very spirit of Jeju, ensuring that a piece of this paradise stays with you.

Tangerine Treats

© Visit Jeju

Jeju's renowned Hallabong tangerines, known for their juicy sweetness and intense flavor, are a sun-soaked delight. No need to carry back fresh fruit – Jeju has you covered, tangerine lovers! Explore a delightful selection of tangerine-infused treats, from chocolates and candies to cookies and preserves, offering a flavorful experience of Jeju's vibrant orchards. Don't miss the exclusive Hershey's tangerine version, a special treat only available on Jeju Island.

Jeju’s Honey

© GoBiz Korea

Discover the extraordinary taste of Jeju's wildflower honey, a creation of its lush meadows. Infused with the island's distinct floral notes, this honey is a must-try for food enthusiasts. With a unique flavor derived from various flowers collected by bees, it adds a special touch when drizzled over cheese, or yogurt, or enjoyed by the spoonful, providing a delightful taste of Jeju's natural abundance. Elevate your culinary experience with this golden nectar, available in jars, snacks, and even skincare products, capturing the essence of Jeju's distinctive island flavor.

Dol Hareubang (Stone Statues) Miniatures

© Jeju Tourism

Embrace Jeju's rich folklore by bringing home a miniature Dol Hareubang statue – the iconic stone grandfather symbolizing protection and fertility. These charming statues, with their distinctive wide hats and enigmatic smiles, serve as Jeju's mascots. A miniature Dol Hareubang not only brings good luck but also serves as a reminder of the island's mystical allure. Available in various sizes and materials, from volcanic rock to playful ceramic renditions, these statues capture the essence of Jeju's cultural charm.

Umu Pudding

© Visit Jeju 

Indulge in the exquisite Umu pudding, a handmade delicacy crafted by boiling dried radish leaves, harvested by skilled Korean women divers who navigate the sea depths for treasures. Known for its velvety texture that effortlessly melts in your mouth, Umu pudding offers three enticing flavors: chocolate, custard, and green tea. This sought-after boutique pudding shop draws visitors from far and wide, enticing them with its premium offerings and unique flavors.

Jeju Starbucks Merchandise

© Visit Korea

This is for all coffee enthusiasts! Jeju's Starbucks stores have a treat for you – unique island-inspired merchandise not available elsewhere. Picture tumblers adorned with Dol Hareubangs, tote bags showcasing blooming hydrangeas, and keychains shaped like the iconic Hallasan volcano. If you're passionate about coffee and collecting, don't miss the chance to explore exclusive Jeju-themed Starbucks merchandise, featuring iconic island designs on everything from mugs to tumblers.

Bonus Tip:

Expand your souvenir collection with Black Pork instant ramen, Green Tea treats from Ossuloc, Hallabong chocolate, Jeju tangerine-infused makgeolli, Omegi rice cake, Hondi alcohol (a fermented liquor crafted using tangerines from Seogwipo), and other unique finds.

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